
Open selection

In 2024 we will be looking for a:

  • Naval Architect
  • Senior Project Leader
  • Junior Marine Engineer

Are you interested in any of these positions? Feel free to contact us informally and send us your CV. We will contact you and invite you as soon as we start recruiting.


** Details from this vacancy are not to be used for marketing purposes**

Meet the team

You are not just selecting a great function at Saltwater, but also some very inspiring colleagues.
With this team of colleagues you will work on challenging engineering assignments for leading clients.
Meet ..

Sander Broekmeulen

“Teamwork makes the dream work”


In January 2007 I was co-founder of Saltwater Engineering. Now, as CEO, I am overall responsible for the daily operations at Saltwater. An inspiring job that makes me want to stay physically fit too.


Since 2007 we have been able to gain and hold on to many loyal clients with considerable growth as a result. As our ambition to grow is as alive as ever we are looking for a Senior CAD Engineer.


As Senior CAD Engineer at Saltwater you will be co-responsible for the engineering of multiple maritime assignments. It is an challenging role that enables you to add to our ambition to grow. I am curious about your motivation to become Senior CAD Engineer in our team.


Wouter Besemer
Lead Engineer

“From intern to Lead Engineer”


I am very proud to be the living proof that “everything is possible” at Saltwater. In January 2011 I joined Saltwater Engineering as an intern and soon became Project Engineer. Now I have been working as Lead Engineer for 4 years.


As Lead Engineer I am the link between the client and our organization. I translate client demands into Saltwater operations and I make sure we deliver on time. A challenging and variable job that gives me lots of energy. Energy I like to spend on my family.


The Senior CAD Engineer will also be coaching our Junior Engineers in the team. A role that gives you energy. I am curious about your experiences and what attracts you to this function.

Vincent Oudakker
Lead Engineer

“Silent people are heard at Saltwater”


In 12 years’ time I have grown from Junior Engineer to Project Engineer. And since mid-2023 I have been promoted to Lead Engineer. I get energy from the interaction with clients that often want their engineering work completed at short notice. This makes my work dynamic and interesting.


Our motto is “anything is possible” and this is our collective ambition. Despite the regular tight deadlines, the office atmosphere is quite relaxed so I have enough energy left for my family.


I look forward to working with our new Senior CAD Engineer on further growth and creating new long-term client relationships. What experience do you have and what values can you add to Saltwater?


Selection procedure

To allow you to prepare for the talks, we would like to share our selection procedure.

Step 1

Send in your CV and brief motivation letter including your ambition to working@saltwater.nl

Step 3

First meeting with 2 Lead Engineers to share Saltwater’s position and inform you about the function. We would like to hear about your motivation and ambition.

Step 5

Final conversation with our CEO about working conditions.

Step 2

We will contact you because we see sufficient common ground and would like to meet you.

Step 4

If we have a match, the next appointment will be with our CEO and one of our Lead Engineers. We will discuss your ambitions in more detail, focus at your strengths and added value to Saltwater. You can ask any remaining question about the organization, and the function you may have.

Stap 1

Stuur je CV en korte motivatie met daarin je ambitie omschreven op naar working@saltwater.nl

Stap 2

Wij bellen jou omdat we voldoende raakvlakken zien voor het maken van een kennismakingsafspraak.

Stap 3

Kennismakingsgesprek met 2 lead Engineers, waarin we vertellen wie we zijn, wat onze ambities omhelzen en wat de inhoud van de functie is. Graag horen we ook van jou wat jouw motivatie was om te solliciteren en waar jij naar op zoek bent.

Stap 4

Als er een match is dan volgt er gesprek met onze CEO en een leadengineer, waar we nog meer willen weten wat jouw ambities zijn, waar jij erg goed in bent en welke toegevoegde waarde jij kan gaan leveren voor Saltwater. Tevens is er alle gelegenheid om alle vragen te stellen over de organisatie, de baan en alles wat je nog meer zou willen weten.

Stap 5

Afrondend gesprek met de CEO, dit zal een afrondend arbeidsvoorwaardengesprek zijn.

Join our team

Apply for this function

Send in your CV and motivating letter to working@saltwater.nl or contact us at +31 (0)78 205 15 00, You can also fill in and send us the contact form below.

    Upload your cv (required, maximum 5MB, filtype: pdf,jpg,jpeg)
    Short motivation